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What will you learn at the courses?

We make public speaking easy for all types of students.

Make your voice exciting and strong.

Gauge the audience's temperament.

Speak easily and in a convincing way.

Manage group dynamics, audience attention.

Cope with excitement during a conversation.


Group classes for beginners

Training format: groups up to 15 people. Studying in groups is especially helpful when you learn how to deal with excitement and fuzzy speech. 

For whom: for those who want to develop self-confidence, communication skills, the ability to present themselves and speak.

When and Where: every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 pm at Classroom 5.


Group classes for professionals

Training format: groups up to 10 people. We focus on the weak sides of each student and help master everyday interactions for those who use oratory skills at work.

For whom: for those who already know the basics of public speaking but want to polish the skills and grow as speakers.

When and Where: every Wednesday and Friday at 7 pm at Classroom 3.


Individual sessions for everyone

Training format: hard work one-on-one with the coach. An experienced specialist will teach you to speak beautifully and in a convincing way.

For whom: for those who want to quickly raise their level of oratory. Your existing level does not matter here.

When and Where: any day, any time by agreement with the coach. 


Our students saying about us.

Read the success stories of our students to find out why they have chosen our school.



Kate Holmes

When I realized that I wanted to be an actress, the first thing I did was the enrollment in LoudSpeech. The course helped me a lot in acting classes and to get my first role. My result of education includes beautiful speech, smooth intonations, nice tune. Totally recommend!

December 15, 2020



John Lenter

II used to have a not very clear speech, but when I decided to start a career in the sales department, I realized that I had to do something with how and what I was saying. LoudSpeech School helped me master my own voice. My career in sales has gone up, I'm satisfied. Thank you!

November 1, 2020



Jack Dorsey

10 years ago I attended this school. It gave me a great foundation, I still remember our hot group debates. Now I am a successful entrepreneur and I am absolutely convinced that a large share of my success is in the courses I completed at proper time. Best wishes to the coaches in LoudSpeech!

June 24, 2020

Online Sessions

Help Wherever You Are

Book an online session with me and get help you need.

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    Plan Our Session

    You can choose a day and time that is comfortable for you, when nothing will distract you from the session.

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    Get Help

    During our session, you will be able to share all your concerns and I will help you find a solution.


1.500 +

Hours of therapy.


Books written by me.

544 +

Online sessions in 2022


Clients in 2023

15 +

Years of experience.


Want to become a strong communicator?

Leave us your phone number, and we will invite you to meet our coaches!

*The first individual lesson is FREE!

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  • 01

    Confident speaker

    How to be a strong communicator? We study the fear of public speaking, the technique of getting rid of excitement. Creating the foundation of confident behavior: we stop being afraid of the audience. We accept feedback. Self-presentation. Facial expressions, gestures, posture, eyes.

  • 02

    Voice control

    Work with breathing, articulation, pace, and diction. Logical and psychological pauses. Practical study of intonations. You master your own voice and make it sound properly.

  • 03

    Performance structure

    Theme, purpose, awareness. Plan of your speech. Audience profile. Options for "entry". Proper use of your sense of humor and proper conclusions in the speech. Completion of the performance. Ways to attract attention. Brilliant speeches built on the principle of "problem and its overcoming." 

  • 04

    Convincing speech

    The principles of a convincing speech. Analysis of techniques for motivating the audience to a particular action. Competent argumentation. Creating your own speech that will convince the audience of the correctness of your position.

  • 05

    Passing the Q&A session

    The questions and answers session is always hard for an untrained speaker. People with their questions can unsettle you. In this section, we will look at how to answer questions from an audience or interlocutor without losing composure. What to do if you don't know the correct answer to the question and how to avoid unpleasant questions or accusations from the audience?


Frequently asked questions.

  • How do we study?

    We do not give lectures - we teach! Each lesson consists of practical exercises in which each student participates.
    The program is organized in blocks, each of them consists of interestingly submitted information with a large number of practical exercises.
    You'll feel the results after the very first lesson! 

  • Do you have any discounts?

    Yes, our oratory school provides a variety of discounts to students.
    It will be much cheaper if you come with friends, each subsequent reserved place will cost 20% cheaper. Thus, every 5th person attends the courses for free.
    There are also discounts for students, schoolchildren. You can learn more about the discounts by contacting us by phone or e-mail.

  • How many people are there in the group?

    We have different groups. The courses for beginners are designed for 13-15 people per group, the professional classes are usually attended by 8-10 people. Plus, it can happen so that 15 people were registered for the course, but then some of them changed their mind, and in fact, the group consists of 10 people instead of 15. Even if only 3 students have booked their seats in a group of 10 people, the course will still take place. In the case of individual sessions, you work tete-a-tete with the coach. 

  • What is the age of the participants?

    Basically, we have students 17-40 years old, but we welcome students of any age, and sometimes, even 70 years old ladies come to the courses. The more diverse the age of the participants is, the more opportunities to learn how to speak to any audience you have.

  • Will there be homework?

    Usually, all the exercises are performed only in the classes. But if you practice more at home, we welcome this approach, for sure! Sometimes, the coach may also ask you to prepare some speech at home to present it in the classroom. 


Для кого Метод відновлення після втрат?

Якщо нещодавна подія...

● призвела до низької концентрації уваги, важко засередитися і тримати фокус●  зробила вас незграбними, коли відбуваються маленьки травми, удари, синці тощо● або навіть призвела до серцевого нападу чи іншого негоразду з серцево-судиної системою● не дає можливості спати нормально, або багато сну з-за браку сил та енергії● збуджує апетит, тягне заїсти солодким або навпаки відбиває апетит● дає вам думку що можливо у вас депресія або ПТСР● наводе на думку "краще побути на самоті"

Якщо Минуле "кидає пляму"

● зростав в дисфункціональній родині● непрості відносини з батьками● складно адаптуватися до нового середовища (країни, роботи, громади, місця проживання)● відчуття що відносини, карєра, бізнес "застрягли" в одном сценарії● помічаєте що ви уникаєте нових відносин, проектів, прояв життя, хочете себе захистити від можливого болю● шукаєте в їжі, алкоголі, речовинах та будь-якій діяльністі полегшення, можливісь на малий час не відчувати болісних емоцій● деякі події відчуваються як "щойно сталося"


● хочу розібаться з втратами та емоційними трамвами самостійно● не хочу звертатися до терапії● хочу надбати навички емоційної посттравматичного зростання● хочу прибрати те що заважає розкриття мого потенціалу та здібностей● хочу навести порядок в думках і почуттях● хочу збавитися ілюзій про себе та свої відносини● хочу пропрацювати сильні негативні емоції - злість, лють, стид, провину тощо● хочу додати енергії у житті● хочу прибрати залежність та співзалежність

Болісні почуття після втрати - цілком природно

Відновитися,повернути енергію та вдоволення життям - право кожного

Метод Відновлення після втрат (The Grief Recovery Method®)вперше був впроваджений у 1977 році.

Спрямував до емоційного відновлення понад одного мільйона людей у всьому світі.

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